IUCN STATUS: Least concern
Colobus guereza kikuyuensis and Colobus guereza occidentalis
Found across central Africa through Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania in mainly closed canopy forests, black and white colobus have a glossy black fur which is contrasted by their u-shaped cape-like mantle, bushy white tuft at the tip of the tail and short white hair surrounding their face. Offspring are born completely white, which changes colour with maturity.
They live in small social groups of 3 to 15 individuals, usually comprising of one adult male, several adult females and juveniles. Leaves and fruit make up the majority of their diet and, in order to extract the most nutritional value from the leaves they eat, colobus have a large, multi-chambered stomach which allows them to digest enormous amounts of foliage.
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